Official approved and signed Board Minutes can be found at the Sac County Auditor's Office.
(Click on the date for a printable .pdf file)
Official approved and signed Board Minutes can be found at the Sac County Auditor's Office.
(Click on the date for a printable .pdf file)
August 29, 2023
Board Room
10:00 AM
The Sac County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with all members present, Jim
Wissler, Chairman, presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.
It was moved by Fischer and seconded by Drake to approve the agenda as posted. Ayes all,
motion carried.
Sherrie Wilson, Sac County Planning and Zoning officer, presented a proposed addition to the
County Zoning Ordinance to include "Principal Permitted Uses" to the "Interchange Service District"
permitted principal uses. It was moved by Drake and seconded by Fischer to call for a public hearing on
the proposed addition to the zoning ordinance on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 10:45 am. Ayes all,
motion carried.
The County Engineer updated the Board on activities of the county road crews and the status of
current maintenance and construction projects.
It was moved by Fischer and seconded by Drake to approve an agreement for Commercial
Driver's License Training Reimbursement between Sac County and Chad Brotherson, Sac County
employee. Ayes all, motion caried.
It was moved by Drake and seconded by Fischer to appoint Kristen Wirtjers as Deputy Auditor
and direct the Chairman to administer the oath of office. Ayes all, motion carried.
The Board and the County Attorney reviewed a proposal for updating the County's Code of
Ordinances submitted by Jennifer Mova II with Simmmering-Cory/lowa Codification. The total cost of the
project is estimated to be $7,345.00, depending on the number of pages and maintenance fees.
It was moved by Fischer and seconded by Drake to accept and approve the proposal from
Simmering-Cory/Iowa Codification. Ayes all, motion carried.
With there being no further business, on motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Secretary S/ James W. Dowling Chairman _, Date _
Board Room
10:00 AM
The Sac County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with all members present, Jim
Wissler, Chairman, presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.
It was moved by Fischer and seconded by Drake to approve the agenda as posted. Ayes all,
motion carried.
Sherrie Wilson, Sac County Planning and Zoning officer, presented a proposed addition to the
County Zoning Ordinance to include "Principal Permitted Uses" to the "Interchange Service District"
permitted principal uses. It was moved by Drake and seconded by Fischer to call for a public hearing on
the proposed addition to the zoning ordinance on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 10:45 am. Ayes all,
motion carried.
The County Engineer updated the Board on activities of the county road crews and the status of
current maintenance and construction projects.
It was moved by Fischer and seconded by Drake to approve an agreement for Commercial
Driver's License Training Reimbursement between Sac County and Chad Brotherson, Sac County
employee. Ayes all, motion caried.
It was moved by Drake and seconded by Fischer to appoint Kristen Wirtjers as Deputy Auditor
and direct the Chairman to administer the oath of office. Ayes all, motion carried.
The Board and the County Attorney reviewed a proposal for updating the County's Code of
Ordinances submitted by Jennifer Mova II with Simmmering-Cory/lowa Codification. The total cost of the
project is estimated to be $7,345.00, depending on the number of pages and maintenance fees.
It was moved by Fischer and seconded by Drake to accept and approve the proposal from
Simmering-Cory/Iowa Codification. Ayes all, motion carried.
With there being no further business, on motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Secretary S/ James W. Dowling Chairman _, Date _