Official approved and signed Board Minutes can be found at the Sac County Auditor's Office.
(Click on the date for a printable .pdf file)
Official approved and signed Board Minutes can be found at the Sac County Auditor's Office.
(Click on the date for a printable .pdf file)
June 23, 2020
Board Room
10:00 AM
The Sac County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with all members present, Jim Wissler, Chairman, presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.
It was moved by Wilhelm and seconded by Drake to amend the agenda to hear an update from Jim Bullock, Sac County EMA Director. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Drake and seconded by Wilhelm to approve the agenda as amended. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Drake and seconded by Wilhelm to approve the Articles of Agreement for Workforce Development Chief Elected Official Consortium, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. Ayes all, motion carried.
Sheriff Ken McClure gave an update on the County’s communication system replacement options. No action was taken.
The County Engineer updated the Board on activities of the county road crews and the status of current maintenance and construction projects.
Representatives from Colburn and Son Insurance Company were present to review the County’s general liability insurance policy through the Iowa Communities’ Assurances Pool.
It was moved b y Wilhelm and seconded by Drake to approve renewal of the policy and to include a total replacement policy for the Secondary Roads’ ten largest pieces of equipment. Ayes all, motion carried.
Sac County EMA Director Jim Bullock updated the Board on the Covid 19 pandemic and advised the Board that the State will no longer supply PPE’s to nursing homes after July 1st.
With there being no further business, on motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Secretary S/ James W. Dowling Chairman ______________________________________, Date ________
Board Room
10:00 AM
The Sac County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with all members present, Jim Wissler, Chairman, presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.
It was moved by Wilhelm and seconded by Drake to amend the agenda to hear an update from Jim Bullock, Sac County EMA Director. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Drake and seconded by Wilhelm to approve the agenda as amended. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Drake and seconded by Wilhelm to approve the Articles of Agreement for Workforce Development Chief Elected Official Consortium, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014. Ayes all, motion carried.
Sheriff Ken McClure gave an update on the County’s communication system replacement options. No action was taken.
The County Engineer updated the Board on activities of the county road crews and the status of current maintenance and construction projects.
Representatives from Colburn and Son Insurance Company were present to review the County’s general liability insurance policy through the Iowa Communities’ Assurances Pool.
It was moved b y Wilhelm and seconded by Drake to approve renewal of the policy and to include a total replacement policy for the Secondary Roads’ ten largest pieces of equipment. Ayes all, motion carried.
Sac County EMA Director Jim Bullock updated the Board on the Covid 19 pandemic and advised the Board that the State will no longer supply PPE’s to nursing homes after July 1st.
With there being no further business, on motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Secretary S/ James W. Dowling Chairman ______________________________________, Date ________